Evaluating accidents in the offshore drilling of petroleum

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 Regional picture and reducing impact


This study examined several accidents over the last 56 years in the offshore drilling of petroleum. The aim is to examine the situation in relation to jack-ups, drill ships, semi-submersible and platforms and have a better awareness and understanding which may reduce the number of accidents. The materials examined were available published reports and data on exploration and production activities. From 219 accidents recorded the highest was due to blowouts with 46.1%, followed by storms and hurricanes with 15.1% and structural failures with 11.4%. High fatalities occurred at the Funiwa 5 platform in Nigeria with 230, the Piper Alpha platform in the North Sea with 167 and the Keilland semi-submersible in Norway. Other high fatalities were recorded at the Ocean Ranger fire and sinking, Java Sea sinking, Bohai 2 and Bohai 3 fire and sinking. Worker training and discipline must be maintained at a high level. The facilities must be kept sea-worthy and reliable through regular maintenance.

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